DoorDash, Inc. patent applications on June 6th, 2024

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Patent Applications by DoorDash, Inc. on June 6th, 2024

DoorDash, Inc.: 1 patent applications

DoorDash, Inc. has applied for patents in the areas of G06F3/04842 (2), G06F40/166 (2), H04L51/10 (2)

With keywords such as: image, scoring, server, computer, images, algorithm, response, component, inquiry, and end in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by DoorDash, Inc.

20240184436.IMAGE SELECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING_simplified_abstract_(doordash, inc.)

Inventor(s): Chun-Chen Kuo of San Francisco CA (US) for doordash, inc., Yu Zhang of Sunnyvale CA (US) for doordash, inc.

IPC Code(s): G06F3/04842, G06F40/166, H04L51/10

Abstract: a method is disclosed. the method includes receiving, by a server computer, a plurality of images associated with one or more service providers. the server computer then receives an inquiry request, and determines an image of the plurality of images. the image is selected in response to a composite score based on a scoring algorithm scoring each image in the plurality of images. the scoring algorithm comprises a conversion component and an uncertainty component. the server computer provides an inquiry response comprising the image to the end user device operated by the end user.

DoorDash, Inc. patent applications on June 6th, 2024