DeepMind Technologies Limited patent applications on July 18th, 2024

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Patent Applications by DeepMind Technologies Limited on July 18th, 2024

DeepMind Technologies Limited: 1 patent applications

DeepMind Technologies Limited has applied for patents in the areas of G06N3/0985 (1), G06N3/045 (1) G06N3/0985 (1)

With keywords such as: neural, candidate, networks, respective, partition, network, computer, repeatedly, fitness, and data in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by DeepMind Technologies Limited

20240242091. ENHANCING POPULATION-BASED TRAINING OF NEURAL NETWORKS_simplified_abstract_(deepmind technologies limited)

Inventor(s): Valentin Clement Dalibard of London (GB) for deepmind technologies limited, Maxwell Elliot Jaderberg of London (GB) for deepmind technologies limited

IPC Code(s): G06N3/0985, G06N3/045

CPC Code(s): G06N3/0985

Abstract: methods, computer systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training a neural network for performing a task. the system maintains data specifying (i) a plurality of candidate neural networks and (ii) a partitioning of the plurality of candidate neural networks into a plurality of partitions. the system repeatedly performs operations, including: training each of the candidate neural networks; evaluating each candidate neural network using a respective fitness function for the partition; and for each partition, updating the respective values of the one or more hyperparameters for at least one of the candidate neural networks in the partition based on the respective fitness metrics of the candidate neural networks in the partition. after repeatedly performing the operations, the system selects, from the maintained data, the respective values of the network parameters of one of the candidate neural networks.

DeepMind Technologies Limited patent applications on July 18th, 2024