Asana, Inc. patent applications on August 1st, 2024

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Patent Applications by Asana, Inc. on August 1st, 2024

Asana, Inc.: 2 patent applications

Asana, Inc. has applied for patents in the areas of G06Q10/1093 (2), G06Q10/0633 (1), G06Q10/0631 (1), G06Q10/10 (1), G06Q10/0639 (1) G06Q10/0633 (1), G06Q10/103 (1)

With keywords such as: individual, environment, users, information, work, user, collaboration, agenda, meetings, and threshold in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by Asana, Inc.


Inventor(s): Ye Cheng of Brooklyn NY (US) for asana, inc., Matthew Stevens of Brooklyn NY (US) for asana, inc., Melissa Adams of Brooklyn NY (US) for asana, inc.

IPC Code(s): G06Q10/0633, G06Q10/0631, G06Q10/1093

CPC Code(s): G06Q10/0633

Abstract: systems and methods for measuring and visualizing threshold of user workload. exemplary implementations may: manage environment state information describing units of work assigned to individual users within the collaboration environment, individual units of work having individual start dates and individual end dates; determine threshold information including individual values of a threshold parameter for the individual users; effectuate presentation of a user interface based on the values of the work unit parameter, the values of the threshold parameter for the individual users, and/or other information; and/or perform other operations.

20240257057. SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO GENERATE AGENDAS FOR ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS_simplified_abstract_(asana, inc.)

Inventor(s): Alexander Hood of San Francisco CA (US) for asana, inc.

IPC Code(s): G06Q10/10, G06Q10/0639, G06Q10/1093

CPC Code(s): G06Q10/103

Abstract: systems and methods for generating an agenda for a one-on-one meeting are disclosed. exemplary implementations may: manage environment state information maintaining a collaboration environment, the collaboration environment being configured to facilitate interaction by users with the collaboration environment, the environment state information including work unit records of units of work linked to users within the collaboration environment; obtain user input information conveying user input from individual users to initiate individual meetings with one other individual user; identify the work unit records corresponding to the users of the individual meetings; generate agenda information defining individual agendas for the individual meetings, the individual agendas including individual sets of agenda items, an individual agenda item corresponding to an individual work unit record identified as corresponding to the users of the individual meetings; and/or perform other operations.

Asana, Inc. patent applications on August 1st, 2024