Apple inc. (20240319582). Optical Component with Apodized Mask simplified abstract

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Optical Component with Apodized Mask

Organization Name

apple inc.


Takeyoshi Saiga of Taito-ku (JP)

Yoshikazu Shinohara of Cupertino (CA)

Alexander Feldman of Los Altos CA (US)

Liangyu Qiu of Santa Clara CA (US)

Junkyo Suh of Palo Alto CA (US)

Yuhong Yao of Tracy CA (US)

Milan Maksimovic of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Moshe Kriman of Tel Aviv (IL)

Dana Gal-fuss of Tel Aviv (IL)

Refael Della Pergola of Jerusalem (IL)

Maoz Ovadia of Kiryat Ono (IL)

Aharon R. Barnea of Ramat Gan IL (US)

Optical Component with Apodized Mask - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240319582 titled 'Optical Component with Apodized Mask

The abstract of the patent application describes an optical component with a mask that has a light blocking portion and a light transmitting portion separated by one or more mask edges. At least one of the mask edges is defined by an apodized pattern, which reduces diffraction and flare caused by the mask.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- Optical component with a mask - Mask has light blocking and light transmitting portions - Mask edges defined by apodized pattern to reduce diffraction and flare

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Apodized pattern on mask edges reduces diffraction and flare - Helps improve optical performance of the component

  • Potential Applications:

- Use in optical systems requiring precise light control - Applications in imaging, microscopy, and other optical technologies

  • Problems Solved:

- Reduces diffraction and flare caused by mask edges - Improves overall optical performance

  • Benefits:

- Enhanced image quality - Better control of light transmission - Reduction of unwanted optical effects

  • Commercial Applications:

- Potential use in camera lenses, microscopes, telescopes, and other optical devices - Market implications in the field of optics and imaging technology

  • Questions about Optical Components:

1. How does the apodized pattern on the mask edges reduce diffraction and flare? - The apodized pattern helps to smooth out the transition between the light blocking and light transmitting portions, reducing unwanted optical effects.

2. What are some common applications of optical components with apodized patterns? - Optical components with apodized patterns are commonly used in high-end imaging systems, scientific instruments, and other precision optical devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

an optical component includes a mask defining a light blocking portion and a light transmitting portion of the optical component. the light blocking portion is separated from the light transmitting portion by one or more mask edges, at least one of which is defined by an apodized pattern. the apodized pattern of the mask edge reduces diffraction and thus flare caused by the mask.