Airbnb, inc. (20240283889). ACCESSIBILITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

airbnb, inc.


Ortal Yahdav of San Rafael CA (US)

Hilary Catherine Sun of San Francisco CA (US)

Aishwarya Nirmal of Seattle WA (US)

ACCESSIBILITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240283889 titled 'ACCESSIBILITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a system and method to analyze a sensor of a computing device to determine its position, activate a camera with a depth sensor, detect a second surface in the camera view, analyze pixel measurements from the depth sensor to determine the minimum measurement in a predefined area of the second surface, display the minimum measurement overlaid on an image of the surfaces, and capture an image of the display.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Analysis of sensor data to determine device position
  • Activation of camera with depth sensor
  • Detection of surfaces in camera view
  • Analysis of pixel measurements to determine minimum measurement
  • Display of minimum measurement overlaid on surfaces image
  • Capture of image of the display

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in augmented reality applications, depth sensing systems, and surface measurement tools.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for accurate surface measurement and visualization in computing devices.


  • Enhanced user experience
  • Improved accuracy in surface measurement
  • Potential for innovative applications in various industries

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include augmented reality devices, depth sensing cameras, and measurement tools for construction and design industries.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include patents or research on depth sensing cameras, augmented reality systems, and surface measurement tools.

Frequently Updated Research: Research on advancements in depth sensing technology, augmented reality applications, and surface measurement algorithms may be relevant to this technology.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does this technology improve surface measurement accuracy? 2. What are the potential limitations of using depth sensors in this system?

2. How does this technology improve surface measurement accuracy? This technology improves surface measurement accuracy by analyzing pixel measurements from a depth sensor to determine the minimum measurement in a predefined area of the detected surface. By overlaying this minimum measurement on an image of the surfaces, users can visualize and accurately measure the distance between the two surfaces.

3. What are the potential limitations of using depth sensors in this system? Potential limitations of using depth sensors in this system may include accuracy issues in certain lighting conditions, limited depth perception range, and potential interference from other sensors or objects in the environment. Regular calibration and testing may be required to ensure optimal performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

systems and methods are provided to analyze at least one sensor of a computing device to determine that the computing device is in a substantially flat position on the first surface, activate a camera comprising a depth sensor, and detect a second surface in a camera view of the camera. the computing device further analyzes pixel measurements from the depth sensor in a predefined area of the detected second surface to determine a minimum measurement of all of the pixel measurements in the predefined area of the detected surface, causes display of the minimum measurement from the first surface to the second surface overlaid on an image of the first and second surface in the camera view on a user interface of the computing device, and captures an image of the display.