20240087527.Electronic Devices With Curved Display Surfaces simplified abstract (apple inc.)

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Electronic Devices With Curved Display Surfaces

Organization Name

apple inc.


Sameer Pandya of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Daniel J. Barrett of Redwood City CA (US)

Erik G. De Jong of San Francisco CA (US)

James P. Landry of Campbell CA (US)

David A. Doyle of Needham MA (US)

Jean-Pierre S. Guillou of La Jolla CA (US)

Jung Yun Seuh of San Jose CA (US)

Yi Qiao of San Jose CA (US)

Electronic Devices With Curved Display Surfaces - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240087527 titled 'Electronic Devices With Curved Display Surfaces

Simplified Explanation

An electronic device with a display mounted in a housing has a display cover layer with a planar central area and a peripheral edge area with a curved cross-sectional profile. The display cover layer allows for full viewing of images on the pixel array through the central area and the edge area from an on-axis viewing angle, while only allowing partial viewing through the edge area from an off-axis viewing angle. To prevent color cast in the partially viewable image seen through the edge area, the display is equipped with color cast compensation structures such as a guest-host liquid crystal layer and a diffuser layer.

  • Display cover layer with planar central area and curved peripheral edge area
  • Full viewing of images through central and edge areas from on-axis angle
  • Partial viewing through edge area from off-axis angle
  • Color cast compensation structures like guest-host liquid crystal layer and diffuser layer

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various electronic devices with displays, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions.

Problems Solved

1. Avoiding undesired color cast in partially viewable images through the edge area of the display cover layer. 2. Enhancing viewing experience by allowing full visibility of images from different angles.


1. Improved image quality and color accuracy. 2. Enhanced viewing experience for users. 3. Versatile application in different electronic devices.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing display cover layers with color cast compensation structures can be beneficial for manufacturers of electronic devices looking to enhance the quality of their products.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of diffuser layers in display technologies to improve viewing angles and color accuracy. Another could be the integration of liquid crystal layers for color enhancement in displays.

Unanswered Questions

How does the integration of color cast compensation structures impact the overall cost of manufacturing electronic devices?

The cost implications of incorporating color cast compensation structures like guest-host liquid crystal layers and diffuser layers in electronic devices are not addressed in the article.

What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology on a large scale in mass-produced electronic devices?

The article does not discuss the potential obstacles or difficulties that manufacturers may face when scaling up the production of electronic devices equipped with display cover layers featuring color cast compensation structures.

Original Abstract Submitted

an electronic device may have a display mounted in a housing. the display may have a pixel array that produces images. a display cover layer may overlap the pixel array. the display cover layer may have a planar central area surrounded by a peripheral edge area with a curved cross-sectional profile. from an on-axis viewing angle, an image on the pixel array is fully viewable through the planar central area and the peripheral edge area. from an off-axis viewing angle, the image is partly viewable through the peripheral edge area and not through the central area. to avoid an undesired color cast in the partly viewable image seen through the peripheral edge area of the display cover layer, the display may be provided with color cast compensation structures such as a guest-host liquid crystal layer that exhibits an anisotropic colored light absorption characteristic, a diffuser layer, and/or other optical structures.