18732398. REFRIGERATOR simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Yonghyun Kang of Suwon-si (KR)

Donghwa Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

Hyoseok Noh of Suwon-si (KR)

Sungcheul Park of Suwon-si (KR)

Seungmin Lee of Suwon-si (KR)

REFRIGERATOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18732398 titled 'REFRIGERATOR

The patent application describes a refrigerator with an inner case forming a storage compartment, outer case, and insulation material in between.

  • The inner case is made up of plates formed by injection molding, including an upper plate and lateral plates.
  • The upper plate has an upper plate body and coupler, while each lateral plate has a body and coupler.
  • The upper plate coupler includes an upward extension portion that is spaced from the lateral plate body.
  • The inner case features a groove that extends upward between the upward extension portion and the lateral plate body.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be applied in the manufacturing of refrigerators for residential and commercial use. - It can also be used in the production of other insulated storage units such as freezers or coolers.

Problems Solved: - Provides a more efficient and cost-effective way to construct the inner case of refrigerators. - Enhances the insulation properties of the refrigerator, leading to better temperature control and energy efficiency.

Benefits: - Improved durability and structural integrity of the refrigerator. - Enhanced insulation for better temperature regulation and energy savings. - Simplified manufacturing process for increased efficiency and cost savings.

Commercial Applications: Refrigerator manufacturing industry, appliance retailers, commercial kitchen suppliers.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the injection molding process contribute to the efficiency of constructing the inner case? 2. What are the specific advantages of having an upward extension portion in the upper plate coupler?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in injection molding techniques for refrigerator manufacturing.

Original Abstract Submitted

A refrigerator including: an inner case forming a storage compartment with an open front side and comprising a plurality of plates formed by injection molding; an outer case coupled to an outside of the inner case; and an insulation material between the inner case and the outer case. The plurality of plates includes an upper plate and a plurality of lateral plates coupled to the upper plate. The upper plate includes an upper plate body and an upper plate coupler. The each of the plurality of lateral plates includes a lateral plate body and a lateral plate coupler. The upper plate coupler includes an upward extension portion extending upward from the upper plate body and spaced from the lateral plate body. The inner case includes a groove recessed upward extending in a front and rear direction between the upward extension portion and the lateral plate body.