18624208. DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract (Japan Display Inc.)
Organization Name
Yoshikatsu Imazeki of Tokyo (JP)
DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18624208 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS
The abstract of the patent application describes an improvement in the performance of a display apparatus, specifically focusing on an LED element.
- The display apparatus includes a first terminal connected to a first electrode of the LED element and a second terminal connected to another electrode of the LED element.
- In the plan view, the first terminal overlaps the LED element, while the second terminal surrounds the LED element continuously.
Potential Applications:
- This technology can be applied in various display devices such as TVs, monitors, and electronic signage.
- It can also be used in automotive lighting systems and outdoor displays.
Problems Solved:
- Enhances the performance and efficiency of LED display apparatus.
- Improves the overall brightness and clarity of the display.
- Increased brightness and clarity of the display.
- Enhanced performance and efficiency of LED elements.
- Improved user experience with display devices.
Commercial Applications:
- This technology can be utilized by manufacturers of display devices to enhance the quality and performance of their products, leading to a competitive edge in the market.
Questions about the technology: 1. How does this technology compare to traditional display technologies?
- This technology offers improved performance and efficiency compared to traditional display technologies.
2. What are the potential cost implications of implementing this technology in display devices?
- The initial investment in implementing this technology may be offset by the long-term benefits of improved performance and efficiency.
Original Abstract Submitted
Performance of a display apparatus is improved. The display apparatus includes: a first terminal electrically connected to a first electrode of an LED element (inorganic light emitting diode element); and a second terminal electrically connected to an electrode of the LED element. In plan view, the first terminal is at a position overlapping the LED element, and the second terminal is arranged to continuously surround the LED element.