18566256. SKINCARE DEVICE simplified abstract (Dyson Technology Limited)

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Organization Name

Dyson Technology Limited


Niloufar Zarinabad Nooralipour of Birmingham (GB)

SKINCARE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18566256 titled 'SKINCARE DEVICE

Simplified Explanation:

This skincare device uses a sensor to analyze the user's skin, adjusts light emission based on the skin state, and is controlled by a controller.

  • The device includes a sensor to analyze the user's skin.
  • A light source emits light onto the user's skin.
  • The controller adjusts light emission based on the skin state determined by the sensor.
  • The device can be used for skincare purposes.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Sensor to analyze user's skin
  • Light source for emitting light onto the skin
  • Controller to adjust light emission based on skin state

Potential Applications:

This technology can be used in skincare devices, beauty products, and dermatology tools.

Problems Solved:

This technology helps in providing personalized skincare solutions based on the user's skin state.


  • Personalized skincare solutions
  • Improved effectiveness of skincare treatments
  • Enhanced user experience

Commercial Applications:

Title: Advanced Skincare Device for Personalized Treatments

This technology can be used in the beauty industry for developing advanced skincare devices that offer personalized treatments, leading to potential market growth and increased consumer satisfaction.

Questions about Skincare Devices: 1. How does the sensor analyze the user's skin?

  - The sensor analyzes the user's skin by detecting various characteristics such as moisture levels, texture, and pigmentation.

2. What are the benefits of adjusting light emission based on the skin state?

  - Adjusting light emission based on the skin state helps in providing customized skincare treatments for better results.

Original Abstract Submitted

A skincare device including a sensor configured to sense one or more characteristics of a user's skin; a light source configured to emit light onto the user's skin; and a controller is provided. The controller is configured to, on the basis of the sensed one or more characteristics, determine a skin state associated with the user's skin, and on the basis of the determined skin state, control one or more parameters of light emission by the light source. Also provided is a method and computer program for the device.