18554658. Optical System simplified abstract (3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY)

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Optical System

Organization Name



John D. Le of Woodbury MN (US)

Timothy L. Wong of West St. Paul MN (US)

Bing Hao of Woodbury MN (US)

Gregg A. Ambur of San Clemente CA (US)

Susan L. Kent

Optical System - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18554658 titled 'Optical System

The optical system described in the patent application consists of an optical cavity formed by a reflective polarizer and a partial reflector, housing various optical components such as lenses with specific retardance properties.

  • The optical components within the cavity have a uniform or low retardance, while a second optical lens outside the cavity has a nonuniform retardance with a higher maximum value in a specific region.
  • The reflective polarizer is positioned on the second optical lens, conforming to its surface.
  • The second optical lens has a maximum retardance exceeding 12 nm in its largest active region.

Potential Applications: This optical system could be used in imaging systems, optical communications, and other applications requiring precise control over light polarization and retardance.

Problems Solved: The system addresses the need for controlling light polarization and retardance in optical setups with high precision and efficiency.

Benefits: - Enhanced optical performance - Improved control over light properties - Potential for compact and efficient optical systems

Commercial Applications: This technology could find applications in industries such as telecommunications, medical imaging, and scientific research where precise optical control is crucial.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the nonuniform retardance of the second optical lens impact overall system performance? 2. What are the potential challenges in manufacturing optical components with specific retardance properties?

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continually exploring new materials and designs to further enhance the performance of optical systems with controlled retardance properties.

Original Abstract Submitted

An optical system includes an optical cavity defined by a reflective polarizer and a partial reflector. The optical cavity includes one or more optical components including a first optical lens spaced apart from the reflective polarizer. Each optical component within the optical cavity has a substantially uniform retardance or a maximum retardance of less than about 10 nm. The optical system includes a second optical lens disposed outside the optical cavity. The reflective polarizer is disposed on and conforms to a major surface of the second optical lens. The second optical lens has a substantially nonuniform retardance and a maximum retardance in a largest active region of the second optical lens of greater than about 12 nm.