18497245. CPAP MACHINE simplified abstract (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Yoshio Yamanaka of Kyoto (JP)

Masayuki Shirai of Kyoto (JP)

Shin Hasegawa of Kyoto (JP)

Kenghua Hsing of Kyoto (JP)

CPAP MACHINE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18497245 titled 'CPAP MACHINE

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a CPAP machine with a housing, air pipe, blower, and sensor S. The sensor measures temperature or humidity of gas flowing through the air pipe, which includes a box protruding from the wall with a sensor inside.

  • The CPAP machine includes a housing, air pipe, blower, and sensor S.
  • Sensor S measures temperature or humidity of gas in the air pipe.
  • The air pipe has a box protruding from the wall with a sensor inside.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in medical devices such as CPAP machines to monitor and regulate the temperature and humidity of the air being delivered to patients for respiratory therapy.

Problems Solved

This innovation solves the problem of ensuring the air quality delivered by CPAP machines is optimal for patient comfort and treatment effectiveness by monitoring temperature and humidity levels.


The benefits of this technology include improved patient comfort, better treatment outcomes, and increased efficiency in delivering respiratory therapy using CPAP machines.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology can be applied in the medical device industry for CPAP machines, as well as in other respiratory therapy devices where monitoring and controlling air quality is essential for patient care.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing CPAP machines with basic air delivery systems but lacking the advanced sensor technology to monitor temperature and humidity levels.

Unanswered Questions

How does the sensor communicate data to the CPAP machine?

The abstract does not specify the method of data transmission between the sensor and the CPAP machine. This information would be crucial to understand the overall functionality of the system.

What is the power source for the sensor in the air pipe?

The abstract does not mention how the sensor in the air pipe is powered. Understanding the power source would be important for maintenance and operational considerations of the CPAP machine.

Original Abstract Submitted

A CPAP machine includes a housing, an air pipe, a blower, and a sensor S. The housing includes a first opening and a second opening. The air pipe is disposed in the housing, and has an inlet port continuous with the first opening, and an outlet port. The sensor S measures a temperature or a humidity of a gas that flows through an internal space of the air pipe. The air pipe includes a box that protrudes outward from a wall of the air pipe and a wall disposed in the box. The wall is disposed in the box to define a space continuous with the internal space of the air pipe, a space, and a space that connects the space and the space to each other. The sensor S is disposed at a wall of the box.