18479249. IMAGE SENSORS simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Jeonglim Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

Byungje Jung of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSORS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18479249 titled 'IMAGE SENSORS

The image sensor described in the patent application includes a substrate with pixels and a photoelectric conversion region, a pixel isolation structure, and an isolation layer defining active regions in the substrate.

  • The active regions have a center part with branching sections extending towards the pixels and an extension part in the pixels extending horizontally from the center part.
  • In a plan view, the angle between the side wall of the extension part and the pixel isolation structure exceeds 45 degrees, or the angle between adjacent branching sections is less than 90 degrees.
    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Unique active region design with branching sections and extension parts.
  • Improved pixel isolation structure for enhanced performance.
  • Optimal angles for efficient light capture and isolation.
    • Potential Applications:**
  • Digital cameras
  • Smartphones
  • Surveillance systems
    • Problems Solved:**
  • Enhanced pixel isolation
  • Improved light sensitivity
  • Better image quality
    • Benefits:**
  • Higher quality images
  • Improved low-light performance
  • Enhanced overall sensor efficiency
    • Commercial Applications:**
  • Camera manufacturers
  • Smartphone companies
  • Security system providers
    • Questions about the Technology:**

1. How does the unique active region design improve image sensor performance? 2. What are the specific advantages of the improved pixel isolation structure?

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Ongoing research on optimizing active region designs for image sensors.

Original Abstract Submitted

An image sensor includes a substrate including a plurality of pixels and a photoelectric conversion region in an inside thereof, a pixel isolation structure isolating the plurality of pixels, and an isolation layer defining a plurality of active regions in the substrate, wherein the plurality of active regions include a center part having a plurality of branching sections extending from a center toward the plurality of pixels, the center being adjacent to each of the plurality of pixels, and an extension part in the plurality of pixels and extending in a horizontal direction from the center part. In a plan view, a first angle between a side wall of the extension part and the pixel isolation structure extending in a first direction exceeds about 45 degrees, or a second angle between two adjacent branching sections among the plurality of branching sections is less than about 90 degrees.