18469753. SECONDARY BATTERY simplified abstract (SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD.)

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Hyeong Gu Roh of Yongin-si (KR)

SECONDARY BATTERY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18469753 titled 'SECONDARY BATTERY

The abstract of the patent application describes a secondary battery with an electrode assembly, separator, and case, where adhesive solution adheres the electrode plates to the separator.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- The patent application is for a secondary battery design. - It includes electrode plates, a separator, and a case. - Adhesive solution is used to attach the electrode plates to the separator.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Electrode assembly with first and second electrode plates. - Separator folded in a zigzag form between the plates. - Adhesive solution used to adhere plates to the separator. - Case to accommodate the electrode assembly.

  • Potential Applications:

- Electric vehicles. - Portable electronic devices. - Energy storage systems.

  • Problems Solved:

- Improved battery performance. - Enhanced safety with secure electrode attachment.

  • Benefits:

- Increased battery efficiency. - Longer battery lifespan. - Safer battery operation.

  • Commercial Applications:

- Battery manufacturing companies. - Electric vehicle manufacturers. - Consumer electronics companies.

  • Questions about Secondary Batteries:

1. How does the adhesive solution improve battery performance? - The adhesive solution ensures secure attachment of electrode plates to the separator, leading to better battery efficiency and safety.

2. What are the potential market implications of this battery design? - This design can benefit various industries such as electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and energy storage systems, leading to increased demand for such batteries.

Original Abstract Submitted

A secondary battery includes: an electrode assembly including: a plurality of first electrode plates and second electrode plates; and a separator folded in a zigzag form and interposed between each of the first and second electrode plates; and a case accommodating the electrode assembly, wherein at least one surface of a first electrode plate from among the first electrode plates or a second electrode plate from among the second electrode plates adheres to the separator by an adhesive solution.