18453579. SEMICONDUCTOR MODULE simplified abstract (FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.)

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Norihiro Komiyama of Matsumoto-city (JP)

Masahiro Sasaki of Azumino-city (JP)

SEMICONDUCTOR MODULE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18453579 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR MODULE

The semiconductor module described in the patent application consists of two circuit boards, each containing a switching element with an emitter electrode, as well as connecting portions for these elements and an auxiliary emitter terminal with wiring.

  • The module includes a unique auxiliary emitter wiring system with a branch point, a common wiring portion, and two discrete wiring portions with low inductance.
  • The first and second discrete wiring portions connect the branch point to the connecting portions of the switching elements, ensuring efficient operation.
  • The inductance of the discrete wiring portions is less than 10 percent of the inductance of the common wiring portion, reducing interference and improving performance.

Potential Applications:

  • This technology could be used in various electronic devices requiring efficient semiconductor modules.
  • It may find applications in power electronics, motor control systems, and other high-performance electronic systems.

Problems Solved:

  • The technology addresses issues related to inductance and interference in semiconductor modules.
  • It improves the overall efficiency and performance of electronic devices by optimizing the wiring configuration.


  • Enhanced performance and efficiency in electronic devices.
  • Reduced interference and improved signal quality.
  • Simplified wiring design for semiconductor modules.

Commercial Applications:

  • This technology could be valuable for manufacturers of electronic devices, especially those focused on power electronics and motor control systems.
  • It may lead to the development of more reliable and efficient electronic products for various industries.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the inductance of the discrete wiring portions impact the overall performance of the semiconductor module? 2. What are the specific advantages of using an auxiliary emitter wiring system in electronic devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

A semiconductor module, including: a first circuit board and a second circuit board respectively have a first switching element and a second switching element located thereon, each of the first and second switching elements having an emitter electrode; a first connecting portion and a second connecting portion respectively electrically connected to the emitter electrodes of the first and second switching elements over the first and second circuit boards; an auxiliary emitter terminal; and an auxiliary emitter wiring electrically connected to the auxiliary emitter terminal. The auxiliary emitter wiring includes: a branch point, a common wiring portion which connects the auxiliary emitter terminal and the branch point, and a first discrete wiring portion and a second discrete wiring portion which connect the branch point respectively to the first and second connecting portions, and which each have an inductance smaller than 10 percent of an inductance of the common wiring portion.