18420669. PRESSURE REGULATOR simplified abstract (ENTEGRIS, INC.)

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Organization Name



Edward E. Jones of Woodbury CT (US)

Sanado Barolli of Bethlehem CT (US)

Blake Edmund Johnson of Andover MN (US)

Joseph Kevin Kenney of Bethel CT (US)

PRESSURE REGULATOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18420669 titled 'PRESSURE REGULATOR

The device described in the patent application consists of a housing with two chambers, each containing a pressure regulating device.

  • The first chamber includes a pressure regulating device with multiple levers, a spring, and a pressure-activated device that opens the fluid inlet when external pressure decreases.
  • The second chamber contains a pressure regulating device with levers, a spring, and a pressure-activated device that constricts as external pressure increases, opening the fluid inlet when pressure decreases.

Potential Applications:

  • This technology could be used in various fluid control systems where precise pressure regulation is required.
  • It may find applications in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and automotive for controlling fluid flow.

Problems Solved:

  • The device addresses the need for accurate and responsive pressure regulation in fluid systems.
  • It ensures stable fluid flow even in fluctuating external pressure conditions.


  • Improved efficiency and reliability in fluid control systems.
  • Enhanced safety by maintaining optimal pressure levels in the system.

Commercial Applications:

  • Title: "Advanced Pressure Regulating Device for Fluid Systems"
  • This technology could be marketed to companies involved in fluid handling equipment manufacturing.
  • It has the potential to impact industries requiring precise pressure control in their operations.

Prior Art:

  • Researchers can explore existing patents related to pressure regulating devices in fluid systems to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research:

  • Stay updated on advancements in pressure regulation technology in fluid systems to incorporate the latest innovations into product development.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the pressure-activated device in the second chamber differ from the one in the first chamber? 2. What are the key factors influencing the efficiency of this pressure regulating device in fluid systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

A device includes a housing including a first chamber having a first pressure regulating device, a first fluid inlet, and a first fluid outlet. The first pressure regulating device includes a plurality of first levers; a first spring; and a first pressure activated device. In response to an external pressure decreasing, the first pressure activated device overcomes a first closing force and opens the first fluid inlet. A second chamber has a second pressure regulating device including a second fluid inlet and a second fluid outlet; a plurality of second levers; a second spring; and a second pressure activated device configured to constrict as the external pressure increases. In response to the external pressure decreasing, the second pressure activated device is configured to overcome a second closing force and open the second fluid inlet.