18408171. Un-Tethered Wireless Audio System simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Un-Tethered Wireless Audio System

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Clarke S. Watson of San Carlos CA (US)

Benjamin W. Cook of San Francisco CA (US)

Axel D. Berny of Los Gatos CA (US)

Jason A. Trachewsky of Cupertino CA (US)

Un-Tethered Wireless Audio System - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18408171 titled 'Un-Tethered Wireless Audio System

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a wireless speaker audio system that can receive audio information wirelessly from an audio source using two wireless transceivers. One transceiver establishes a secondary wireless link with the audio source, while both transceivers communicate with each other through a primary wireless link.

  • Utilizes two wireless transceivers for receiving audio wirelessly from an audio source.
  • One transceiver establishes a secondary wireless link with the audio source for receiving audio information.
  • Both transceivers communicate with each other through a primary wireless link.
  • The system is configured to acknowledge successful reception of audio information via the secondary wireless link.

Potential Applications: 1. Home entertainment systems 2. Portable speakers 3. Wireless audio streaming devices

Problems Solved: 1. Eliminates the need for wired connections between audio sources and speakers. 2. Provides flexibility and convenience in setting up audio systems. 3. Improves the overall user experience of wireless audio transmission.

Benefits: 1. Enhanced mobility and flexibility in audio setup. 2. Improved user convenience and ease of use. 3. Reduced clutter from wires and cables.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be used in consumer electronics, audio equipment manufacturing, and entertainment industry for developing wireless speaker systems, portable audio devices, and home theater systems.

Questions about Wireless Speaker Audio System: 1. How does the system ensure the secure transmission of audio information wirelessly? 2. What are the potential limitations of using wireless speaker audio systems in terms of audio quality and range?

Original Abstract Submitted

A wireless speaker audio system configured to receive audio information wirelessly transmitted by an audio source including first and second wireless transceivers. The first wireless transceiver establishes a bidirectional secondary wireless link with the audio source for receiving and acknowledging receipt of the audio information. The first and second wireless transceivers communicate with each other via a primary wireless link. A wireless audio system including an audio source and first and second wireless transceivers. The first and second wireless transceivers communicate via a primary wireless link. The audio source communicates audio information to the first wireless transceiver via a secondary wireless link which is configured according to a standard wireless protocol. The first wireless transceiver is configured to acknowledge successful reception of audio information via the secondary wireless link. Other embodiments are also described and claimed.