18398289. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., Ltd.


HYUNGJIN Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

HYANGWON Moon of Yongin-si (KR)

SIHYUNG An of Yongin-si (KR)

DONGWAN Choi of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18398289 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract of the patent application describes a display device with a substrate that includes a display area and a pad area, a driving chip overlapping the pad area, and a circuit board with a protrusion part overlapping the pad area.

  • The display device includes a substrate with a display area and a pad area.
  • A driving chip is positioned on the substrate, overlapping the pad area.
  • A circuit board is also on the substrate, with a protrusion part overlapping the pad area.
  • The circuit board has a body part extending away from the pad area.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in various electronic display devices such as smartphones, tablets, and monitors. - It may find applications in automotive displays, wearable technology, and industrial control panels.

Problems Solved: - The design allows for efficient placement of components on the substrate without interfering with the display area. - It provides a compact and organized layout for electronic devices.

Benefits: - Improved functionality and performance of display devices. - Enhanced durability and reliability due to optimized component placement. - Cost-effective manufacturing process for electronic devices.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Innovative Display Device Technology for Enhanced Electronic Devices" This technology can be utilized in the consumer electronics industry to create more advanced and reliable display devices. It can also benefit manufacturers looking to streamline production processes and reduce costs.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the overlap of the driving chip and circuit board on the substrate contribute to the efficiency of the display device? 2. What are the potential cost savings for manufacturers implementing this display device technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device includes a substrate including a display area and a pad area spaced apart from the display area. A driving chip is disposed on the substrate. The driving chip overlaps the pad area. A circuit board is disposed on the substrate. The circuit board includes a protrusion part overlapping an end of the pad area and a body part extending from the protrusion part away from the pad area.