18395827. IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract (SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.)

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Organization Name



SEONOK Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

KWANYOUNG Oh of Suwon-si (KR)

HYUNGCHAE Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

DONGYOUNG Jang of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18395827 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The abstract describes an image sensor with a unique separation pattern surrounding the pixel section, allowing for efficient gate pattern placement.

  • The image sensor substrate contains a pixel section and a separation pattern that includes sub-separation patterns extending in different directions.
  • The pixel section includes a device isolation pattern defining an active region and gate patterns placed on the active region.
  • The gate patterns extend through the active region and device isolation pattern, intersecting the sub-separation patterns in different directions.
  • The gate patterns have two surfaces, extending linearly from one sub-separation pattern to the other.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in digital cameras, smartphones, and other devices requiring high-quality image sensors. - It can also be applied in medical imaging equipment, security cameras, and automotive cameras.

Problems Solved: - Efficient placement of gate patterns in image sensors. - Enhanced performance and image quality due to optimized sensor design.

Benefits: - Improved image sensor functionality and performance. - Higher resolution and better image quality in digital imaging devices. - Cost-effective production of image sensors with advanced features.

Commercial Applications: - Manufacturers of digital cameras, smartphones, medical imaging equipment, and security cameras can benefit from this technology. - The market for image sensors is vast, with potential for growth in various industries.

Questions about Image Sensor Technology: 1. How does the unique separation pattern in this image sensor improve performance? 2. What are the key advantages of the gate pattern placement in this technology?

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on advancements in image sensor technology, particularly in gate pattern optimization and sensor design.

Original Abstract Submitted

An image sensor includes a substrate including a pixel section and a separation pattern disposed in the substrate and surrounding the pixel section. The separation pattern includes a first sub-separation pattern that extends in a first direction, and a second sub-separation pattern that extends in a second direction that intersects the first direction. The pixel section includes a device isolation pattern that defines an active region in the pixel section, and at least one gate pattern on the active region. The gate pattern extends along a third direction from the first sub-separation pattern through the active region and the device isolation pattern to the second sub-separation pattern. The third direction intersects the first direction and the second direction. The gate pattern has a first surface and a second surface that are opposite to each other. The first surface extends linearly from the first sub-separation pattern to the second sub-separation pattern.