18394025. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (Japan Display Inc.)

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Organization Name

Japan Display Inc.


Makoto Miyao of Tokyo (JP)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18394025 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a display device with a liquid crystal layer and a light guide plate that directs light from a light source unit. The surface roughness of the light guide plate is different on the side facing the light source unit compared to the other sides.

  • The display device includes a first substrate with a liquid crystal layer and a light guide plate.
  • The light guide plate has different surface roughness on the side facing the light source unit.
  • A plurality of light emitting elements are arranged to face the side surface of the light guide plate.

Potential Applications:

This technology could be used in various display devices such as televisions, monitors, and digital signage.

Problems Solved:

This technology addresses the issue of efficiently directing light from a light source unit in a display device.


The benefits of this technology include improved light distribution and potentially enhanced display quality.

Commercial Applications:

This technology could be valuable in the consumer electronics industry for manufacturing high-quality display devices.

Prior Art:

Prior research in the field of display technology and light guide plates may provide further insights into similar innovations.

Frequently Updated Research:

Stay updated on advancements in liquid crystal display technology and light guide plate design for potential improvements in display devices.

Questions about Display Devices: 1. How does the surface roughness of the light guide plate impact light distribution in the display device? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in different types of display devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device includes a first substrate having a first front surface and a first back surface opposite to the first front surface, a liquid crystal layer arranged on the first front surface of the first substrate, a light guide plate having a first main surface facing the first front surface, a second main surface opposite to the first main surface, and side surfaces intersecting with the first main surface and the second main surface, and a light source unit having a plurality of light emitting elements arranged to face the side surface of the light guide plate, and a surface roughness of a first side surface of the light guide plate facing the light source unit is larger than surface roughnesses of the side surfaces other than the first side surface.