18392870. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Hokyun An of Seoul (KR)

Bumsoo Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Hyunseung Kim of Bucheon-si (KR)

Guangfan Jiao of Suwon-si (KR)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18392870 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES

Simplified Explanation

The semiconductor device described in the abstract includes various patterns and dopants to improve its electrical characteristics. Here are some key points to explain the patent:

  • The device includes a substrate, interface insulation pattern, gate insulation pattern, threshold voltage controlling metal pattern, and conductive pattern.
  • The gate insulation pattern has a higher dielectric constant oxide than silicon oxide.
  • First dopants, including fluorine, are included in the gate insulation pattern and at the interface insulation pattern's upper surface.
  • The semiconductor device aims to have excellent electrical characteristics.

Potential Applications

The technology described in the patent application could be applied in the manufacturing of advanced semiconductor devices for various electronic applications, such as integrated circuits, microprocessors, and memory chips.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the need for semiconductor devices with improved electrical characteristics, such as threshold voltage control and conductivity, which are crucial for the performance and efficiency of electronic devices.


The semiconductor device with the described patterns and dopants offers enhanced electrical properties, potentially leading to improved device performance, reduced power consumption, and increased reliability in electronic applications.

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could find commercial applications in the semiconductor industry for the production of high-performance electronic devices, contributing to advancements in computing, telecommunications, and consumer electronics.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of different dopants and patterns in semiconductor devices to enhance their electrical characteristics. Research and patents related to gate insulation patterns with high dielectric constant oxides may also be considered as prior art.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing semiconductor devices in terms of performance and efficiency?

The article does not provide a direct comparison between this technology and existing semiconductor devices. Further research or testing would be needed to evaluate its performance and efficiency relative to current technologies.

What are the potential challenges or limitations in implementing this technology on a larger scale?

The article does not address the challenges or limitations that may arise when scaling up the production of semiconductor devices using this technology. Factors such as manufacturing costs, compatibility with existing processes, and yield rates could be important considerations.

Original Abstract Submitted

A semiconductor device may include a substrate, an interface insulation pattern, a gate insulation pattern, a threshold voltage controlling metal pattern and a conductive pattern. The interface insulation pattern may be formed on the substrate. The gate insulation pattern including an oxide having a dielectric constant higher than that of silicon oxide may be formed on the interface insulation pattern. The threshold voltage controlling metal pattern may be formed on the gate insulation pattern. The conductive pattern may be formed on the threshold voltage controlling metal pattern. First dopants including at least fluorine may be included within and at at least one surface of the gate insulation pattern and at an upper surface of an interface insulation pattern contacting the gate insulation pattern. The semiconductor device may have excellent electrical characteristics.