18389655. REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION USER INTERFACE simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Marco Triverio of San Francisco CA (US)

Jae Woo Chang of Cupertino CA (US)

Lauren E. Tappana of San Francisco CA (US)

Marcel Van Os of Santa Cruz CA (US)

REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION USER INTERFACE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18389655 titled 'REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION USER INTERFACE

Simplified Explanation

The present disclosure relates to real-time communication user interfaces. A computer system displays a visual representation of a user attempting to join a real-time communication session with an option to determine if the user is allowed to participate.

  • The patent application involves a computer system displaying a visual representation of a user joining a real-time communication session.
  • The user is presented with an option to determine if they are allowed to participate in the session.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various real-time communication platforms such as video conferencing, online gaming, and virtual meetings.

Problems Solved

This technology helps in managing and controlling access to real-time communication sessions, ensuring only authorized users participate.


The system provides a user-friendly interface for controlling access to communication sessions, enhancing security and user experience.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be valuable for companies offering real-time communication services, as it enhances user control and security.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be existing real-time communication platforms that may have similar features for controlling user access to sessions.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle multiple users trying to join a session simultaneously?

The system may have a queuing mechanism to manage multiple users attempting to join a session at the same time, ensuring fair access.

Can users customize the options for determining access to the session?

Users may have the ability to set specific criteria or permissions for determining access to the session, providing flexibility and customization options.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present disclosure generally relates to real-time communication user interfaces. A computer system displays a visual representation of a user attempting to join a real-time communication session that includes an option that is selectable to determine whether the user is allowed to participate in the real-time communication session.