18371450. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


KYUNG-HUN Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18371450 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a display device with a temperature calculator and data compensator to adjust image data based on temperature variations.

  • The display panel consists of pixels with different light emitting elements.
  • The temperature calculator measures block temperatures in different areas of the display panel and calculates pixel temperatures accordingly.
  • The data compensator generates compensation image data to adjust for temperature-related image distortions.

Potential Applications

The technology could be applied in:

  • High-resolution displays
  • Medical imaging devices
  • Automotive displays

Problems Solved

The technology addresses issues such as:

  • Image distortion due to temperature changes
  • Maintaining image quality in varying temperature conditions


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Improved image quality
  • Consistent display performance in different environments

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be used in:

  • Smartphones and tablets
  • Televisions
  • Virtual reality headsets

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be display devices with basic temperature sensors, but not with advanced temperature calculators and data compensators.

Unanswered Questions

How does the temperature calculator precisely measure block temperatures in different areas of the display panel?

The patent application does not provide specific details on the technology or method used by the temperature calculator to measure block temperatures accurately.

What is the specific algorithm or process used by the data compensator to generate compensation image data based on temperature variations?

The patent application does not delve into the specific algorithm or process employed by the data compensator to adjust image data according to temperature changes.

Original Abstract Submitted

Disclosed is a display device including a display panel, a temperature calculator, and a data compensator. The display panel includes a plurality of pixels. Each of the pixels includes one of a first light emitting element, a second light emitting element, and a third light emitting element. The temperature calculator senses a block temperature for each of a plurality of block areas partitioned in the display panel and calculates temperature of each of the plurality of pixels based on the block temperature. The data compensator generates compensation image data by compensating for image data corresponding to each of the pixels depending on the temperature.