18354250. PEDESTRIAN DETECTION SYSTEM simplified abstract (Hyundai Motor Company)

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Organization Name

Hyundai Motor Company


Seung Kyu Kang of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Jong Hun Choi of Incheon (KR)

PEDESTRIAN DETECTION SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18354250 titled 'PEDESTRIAN DETECTION SYSTEM

The abstract describes a pedestrian detection system that includes a detection device mounted on a vehicle's front portion to detect collisions with pedestrians. An emergency call device converts the electric signal from the detection device into a detection value and determines an injury pattern based on this value.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- System detects pedestrian collisions using a device on the vehicle. - Emergency call device analyzes the signal to determine injury patterns.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Detection device mounted on the front of the vehicle. - Emergency call device converts signals into detection values. - Determines injury patterns based on the detection value.

  • Potential Applications:

- Vehicle safety systems. - Emergency response systems. - Pedestrian accident prevention.

  • Problems Solved:

- Enhances pedestrian safety. - Improves emergency response times. - Reduces pedestrian-related accidents.

  • Benefits:

- Increased safety for pedestrians. - Quick emergency response. - Prevention of accidents.

  • Commercial Applications:

- Automotive industry for vehicle safety features. - Emergency response services for quicker assistance. - Insurance companies for risk assessment.

  • Questions about Pedestrian Detection System:

1. How does the system differentiate between pedestrians and other objects? - The system uses advanced algorithms to distinguish pedestrian shapes and movements. 2. What happens if the detection device malfunctions? - The emergency call device is designed to provide a fail-safe mechanism in case of detection device failure.

By providing a detailed summary of the abstract, key features, potential applications, problems solved, benefits, commercial applications, and addressing common questions, this article aims to comprehensively cover the pedestrian detection system technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

An embodiment pedestrian detection system includes a detection device mounted on a front portion of a vehicle and configured to detect a collision with a pedestrian and an emergency call device configured to convert an electric signal received from the detection device into a detection value and determine an injury pattern based on the detection value.