18177390. METADATA UPDATING simplified abstract (QUALCOMM Incorporated)

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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Liang Li of San Diego CA (US)

Andrew Evan Gruber of Arlington MA (US)

Jonnala Gadda Nagendra Kumar of San Diego CA (US)

Thomas Edwin Frisinger of Shrewsbury MA (US)

Zilin Ying of San Diego CA (US)

Srihari Babu Alla of San Diego CA (US)

METADATA UPDATING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18177390 titled 'METADATA UPDATING

The patent application relates to metadata updating technology.

  • An apparatus is described that includes an external memory unit for storing an original descriptor tag.
  • The apparatus also includes a descriptor loading block that fetches the original descriptor tag from the external memory and compares it to a plurality of original base values.
  • A remap table database is coupled to the descriptor loading block to store the original base values, updated base values, and updated miscellaneous base values.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in data management systems to efficiently update metadata. - It could also be applied in file systems to improve the organization and retrieval of data.

Problems Solved: - Streamlining the process of updating metadata. - Enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of comparing descriptor tags to base values.

Benefits: - Faster and more accurate metadata updating. - Improved data organization and retrieval processes.

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Metadata Updating Technology for Data Management Systems This technology could be utilized by companies that deal with large amounts of data, such as cloud storage providers, to enhance their data management processes and improve overall efficiency.

Questions about Metadata Updating Technology: 1. How does this technology improve the efficiency of updating metadata? - This technology automates the comparison process between descriptor tags and base values, reducing the time and effort required for updating metadata.

2. What are the potential implications of using this technology in file systems? - Implementing this technology in file systems could lead to faster data retrieval and more organized file structures.

Original Abstract Submitted

Aspects of the disclosure are directed to metadata updating. In accordance with one aspect, an apparatus includes an external memory unit configured for storing an original descriptor tag; a descriptor loading block coupled to the external memory, the descriptor loading block configured to fetch the original descriptor tag from the external memory for storage in an internal cache memory and further configured to compare the original descriptor tag stored in the internal cache memory to each of a plurality of original base values; and a remap table database coupled to the descriptor loading block, the remap table database configured to store the plurality of original base values, a plurality of updated base values and a plurality of updated miscellaneous base values.