18060429. BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING simplified abstract (QUALCOMM Incorporated)

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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US)

Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US)

Xiaoxia Zhang of San Diego CA (US)

Junyi Li of Fairless Hills PA (US)

BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18060429 titled 'BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method of wireless communication that supports backscatter-based positioning. Here are some key points to note:

  • Transmit a configuration signal indicating a tag address and modulation scheme for backscatter signal generation.
  • Transmit a positioning reference signal (PRS) after the configuration signal.
  • Receive a backscatter signal from the tag device based on the modulation scheme and PRS.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries such as logistics, inventory management, and asset tracking where precise positioning of objects is required.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of accurately determining the position of objects in wireless communication systems without the need for complex infrastructure or high-power consumption.


The benefits of this technology include cost-effectiveness, energy efficiency, and improved accuracy in positioning objects in wireless communication systems.

Potential Commercial Applications

One potential commercial application of this technology could be in the development of smart warehouses or retail stores where real-time tracking of inventory and assets is essential for efficient operations.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be the use of RFID technology for tracking and identifying objects in various industries. However, the backscatter-based positioning described in this patent application offers a more energy-efficient and cost-effective solution for wireless communication systems.

What are the specific modulation schemes used for generating backscatter signals in this technology?

The specific modulation schemes used for generating backscatter signals in this technology are not detailed in the abstract. Further information on the modulation schemes employed would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the innovation.

How does the positioning reference signal (PRS) enhance the accuracy of backscatter-based positioning in this technology?

The abstract mentions the transmission of a positioning reference signal (PRS) after the configuration signal. Understanding the role and impact of the PRS on enhancing the accuracy of backscatter-based positioning would shed light on the effectiveness of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. In a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes transmitting a configuration signal that indicates a tag address of a tag device and a modulation scheme for generation of a backscatter signal. The method also includes transmitting a positioning reference signal (PRS) after transmission of the configuration signal. The method further includes receiving, from the tag device, a backscatter signal based on the modulation scheme and the PRS. Other aspects and features are also claimed and described.