18060418. BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING simplified abstract (QUALCOMM Incorporated)

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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Mohammad Tarek Fahim of San Diego CA (US)

Srinivas Yerramalli of San Diego CA (US)

Xiaojie Wang of Hillsborough NJ (US)

Jing Sun of San Diego CA (US)

BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18060418 titled 'BACKSCATTER-BASED POSITIONING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application abstract describes a method for wireless communication that supports backscatter-based positioning by receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device and determining the position of the tag device based on these reports.

  • The method involves receiving measurement reports from multiple transmission/reception points (TRPs) and using this information to calculate the position of the tag device.
  • The position of the tag device is determined even when the tag delay is unknown to a network entity.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in various applications such as indoor navigation systems, asset tracking, and location-based services.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of accurately determining the position of a tag device using backscatter-based positioning, even when the tag delay is unknown.


The benefits of this technology include improved accuracy in determining the position of tag devices, enhanced wireless communication capabilities, and increased efficiency in location-based services.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include smart retail systems, inventory management solutions, and logistics tracking services.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing systems or methods for wireless communication and positioning using backscatter technology.

What are the specific measurement reports used in the method described in the patent application?

The specific measurement reports used in the method described in the patent application are associated with each transmission/reception point (TRP) of multiple TRPs.

How does the method handle the unknown tag delay in determining the position of the tag device?

The method handles the unknown tag delay by using the multiple measurement reports received from different TRPs to calculate the position of the tag device accurately, regardless of the tag delay.

Original Abstract Submitted

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication that support backscatter-based positioning. In a first aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving multiple measurement reports associated with a tag device. The multiple measurement including, for each transmission/reception point (TRP) of multiple TRPs, a measurement report of the TRP. The method further includes determining, based on the multiple measurement reports, a position of the tag device having a tag delay that is unknown to a network entity.