Intel corporation (20240214597). DETECTION OF VIDEO TAMPERING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

intel corporation


Noam Levy of Karmiel (IL)

Guy Ben-artzi of Zichron Yaacov (IL)

DETECTION OF VIDEO TAMPERING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240214597 titled 'DETECTION OF VIDEO TAMPERING

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes techniques for generating secure video and detecting tampering in the video. This involves selecting specific macroblocks from a video frame, calculating a low frequency metric for each selected macroblock, generating a frame signature through hash calculation, encrypting the frame signature to create an encrypted watermark, modifying pixels in the selected macroblocks based on the encrypted watermark, and authenticating received video frames by comparing calculated frame signatures.

  • Key Features and Innovation:
   - Selection of macroblocks for secure video transmission.
   - Calculation of low frequency metrics for selected macroblocks.
   - Generation of frame signature through hash calculation.
   - Encryption of frame signature for tamper detection.
   - Modification of pixels in selected macroblocks based on encrypted watermark.
   - Authentication of received video frames using frame signatures.
  • Potential Applications:
   - Video content protection in broadcasting and streaming services.
   - Secure video transmission in surveillance systems.
   - Anti-tampering measures in video evidence for legal purposes.
  • Problems Solved:
   - Ensuring the integrity and security of transmitted video content.
   - Detecting and preventing unauthorized tampering of video frames.
   - Providing a reliable method for authenticating received video frames.
  • Benefits:
   - Enhanced security and integrity of video content.
   - Reliable tamper detection and prevention mechanisms.
   - Increased trustworthiness of video evidence in legal proceedings.
  • Commercial Applications:
   - Secure video transmission for media companies.
   - Anti-tampering solutions for surveillance technology providers.
   - Authentication tools for video evidence in law enforcement agencies.
  • Prior Art:
   - Further research can be conducted on existing techniques for video watermarking and tamper detection in video content.
  • Frequently Updated Research:
   - Stay updated on advancements in video encryption and tamper detection technologies for improved security measures.

Questions about Secure Video Transmission: 1. How does the methodology ensure the authenticity of received video frames? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology in the field of digital forensics?

1. A relevant generic question not answered by the article, with a detailed answer: How does the encryption of the frame signature contribute to the overall security of the video transmission process? The encryption of the frame signature using a private key adds an additional layer of security to the video content. By encrypting the frame signature, unauthorized parties are unable to tamper with the video frames without detection. This ensures the integrity and authenticity of the transmitted video, making it more resistant to tampering or unauthorized modifications.

2. Another relevant generic question, with a detailed answer: What role does the selection of macroblocks play in the secure video transmission process? The selection of macroblocks is crucial in determining which parts of the video frame will undergo encryption and modification. By carefully choosing specific macroblocks, the methodology focuses on securing key areas of the video content, making it more resilient to tampering attempts. This targeted approach enhances the overall security of the video transmission process.

Original Abstract Submitted

techniques are provided for generation of secure video and tamper detection of the secure video. a methodology implementing the techniques according to an embodiment includes selecting a subset of macroblocks from a video frame to be transmitted and calculating a low frequency metric on each of the selected macroblocks. the method also includes performing a hash calculation on the low frequency metrics to generate a frame signature, encrypting the frame signature (using a private key) to generate an encrypted watermark, and modifying pixels of each of the selected macroblocks to generate the secured video frame, the modifications based on bits of the encrypted watermark that are associated with the selected macroblock. the method further includes authenticating a received video frame by comparing a calculated frame signature to an authenticated frame signature, the authenticated frame signature decrypted (using a public key) from an extracted watermark of the received video frame.