18138203. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (LG Display Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

LG Display Co., Ltd.


JongBeom Lee of Paju-si (KR)

JongSung Kim of Seoul (KR)

SunHwa Lee of Goyang-si (KR)

ByungHyun Lee of Paju-si (KR)

Soyi Lee of Paju-si (KR)

Seeun Kim of Seoul (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18138203 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a display device with pixels containing sub-pixels, a light emitting element, and color conversion members overlapping with the light emitting element.

  • Display device with pixels containing sub-pixels:
 - The device has a plurality of pixels on a substrate.
 - Each pixel contains at least two sub-pixels.
  • Light emitting element and color conversion members:
 - A light emitting element is placed in each pixel.
 - Color conversion members are in the sub-pixels.
 - Each color conversion member overlaps with part of the light emitting element.
  • Shared light emitting element:
 - The light emitting element is shared by the sub-pixels within the same pixel.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in: - High-resolution displays - Virtual reality headsets - Medical imaging devices

Problems Solved

This technology addresses: - Color accuracy in displays - Energy efficiency in lighting systems - Space constraints in compact devices


The benefits of this technology include: - Improved color reproduction - Reduced power consumption - Enhanced image quality

Potential Commercial Applications

Commercial applications could include: - Smartphones and tablets - Televisions and monitors - Automotive displays

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art is the use of color filters in display devices to improve color accuracy. Another is the integration of light emitting elements in sub-pixels for enhanced image quality.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact the cost of manufacturing display devices?

The abstract does not provide information on the cost implications of implementing this technology.

What are the potential challenges in scaling this technology for larger display screens?

The abstract does not address the scalability of this technology for larger displays and any challenges that may arise.

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device can include a plurality of pixels disposed on a substrate, at least two sub-pixels disposed in a same pixel among of the plurality of pixels, a light emitting element disposed in the same pixel, and a plurality of color conversion members disposed in the at least two sub-pixels. Each of the plurality of color conversion members overlaps with at least a portion of the light emitting element. Also, the light emitting element is shared by the at least two sub-pixels in the same pixel.