18334054. Broadcast Energy and Spectrum Consumption Optimization simplified abstract (Cisco Technology, Inc.)

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Broadcast Energy and Spectrum Consumption Optimization

Organization Name

Cisco Technology, Inc.


Pascal Thubert of Roquefort-les-Pins (FR)

J. P. Vasseur of Issy Les Moulineaux (FR)

Patrick Wetterwald of Mouans Sartoux (FR)

Eric Levy-abegnoli of Valbonne (FR)

Jerome Henry of Pittsboro NC (US)

Broadcast Energy and Spectrum Consumption Optimization - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18334054 titled 'Broadcast Energy and Spectrum Consumption Optimization

Simplified Explanation

The patent application focuses on optimizing broadcast energy and spectrum consumption by determining the minimum Modulation and Coding Schemes (MCSs) needed to reach a group of client devices at a predetermined power level, and then using an optimal MCS to reach different client devices through a combination of broadcast and unicast transmissions.

  • Simplified Explanation:
 - Determining minimum MCSs for client devices
 - Using optimal MCS for broadcast and unicast transmissions
  • Potential Applications:
 - Wireless communication systems
 - Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Problems Solved:
 - Efficient use of energy and spectrum
 - Minimizing airtime for transmissions
  • Benefits:
 - Improved network performance
 - Reduced energy consumption
  • Potential Commercial Applications:
 - Telecom companies
 - IoT device manufacturers
  • Possible Prior Art:
 - Previous patents related to energy-efficient broadcasting techniques
  1. Unanswered Questions
    1. How does this technology impact battery life of client devices?

The patent application does not specifically address the impact on the battery life of client devices. It would be interesting to know if the optimization of MCSs and transmission methods has any effect on the energy consumption of the client devices.

    1. What are the potential limitations of using this optimization technique?

The patent application does not discuss any potential limitations or drawbacks of implementing this optimization technique. It would be important to understand any challenges or constraints that may arise when applying this technology in real-world scenarios.

Original Abstract Submitted

Broadcast energy and spectrum consumption optimization may be provided. It may be determined, by a computing device for each of a plurality of client devices, a corresponding plurality of respective minimum Modulation and Coding Schemes (MCSs) needed to reach each of the respective plurality of client devices from the computing device at a predetermined power level. Next, an optimal MCS from the plurality of respective minimum MCSs may be used to reach a first group of the plurality of client devices via broadcast. Then unicast may be used to reach a second group of the plurality of client devices wherein the optimal MCS is selected to minimize the total amount of airtime used for the broadcast and the unicast.