18067641. STABILIZER INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATION FOR STABILIZER CIRCUIT simplified abstract (Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC)

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Organization Name

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC


Vadym Kliuchnikov of Redmond WA (US)

Michael Edward Beverland of Seattle WA (US)

Adam Edward Paetznick of Bellevue WA (US)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18067641 titled 'STABILIZER INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATION FOR STABILIZER CIRCUIT

Simplified Explanation

The computing system described in the abstract is designed to receive a stabilizer circuit specification and compute a standardized stabilizer instrument specification based on that input. The stabilizer circuit includes elementary operations such as qubit allocation, classical bit allocation, Clifford unitary operations, Pauli unitary operations, multi-qubit Pauli measurements, and destructive one-qubit Pauli measurements.

  • Stabilizer circuit specification:
   - Includes elementary operations like qubit allocation, classical bit allocation, Clifford unitary operations, Pauli unitary operations, multi-qubit Pauli measurements, and destructive one-qubit Pauli measurements.
  • Standardized stabilizer instrument specification:
   - Computed based on the stabilizer circuit specification.
   - Includes input and output Clifford unitaries, as well as a set of bit matrices.
   - Stored in memory for future use.


      1. Potential Applications of this Technology

- Quantum computing - Error correction in quantum systems - Quantum information processing

      1. Problems Solved by this Technology

- Efficient computation of stabilizer instruments - Standardization of stabilizer circuit specifications - Simplification of quantum computing processes

      1. Benefits of this Technology

- Improved accuracy in quantum computations - Streamlined development of quantum algorithms - Enhanced error detection and correction capabilities

      1. Potential Commercial Applications of this Technology
        1. Quantum Computing Standardization in Memory

- Optimizing quantum computing processes - Enhancing quantum algorithm development - Facilitating error correction in quantum systems


      1. Possible Prior Art

There are existing methods for stabilizer circuit computation and quantum error correction, but the specific approach outlined in this patent application may introduce novel techniques for standardizing stabilizer instrument specifications.

      1. Unanswered Questions
        1. How does the processor handle complex stabilizer circuits with multiple elementary operations?

The abstract mentions various elementary operations, but it does not detail how the processor manages more intricate stabilizer circuits.

        1. What memory requirements are necessary for storing standardized stabilizer instrument specifications?

While the abstract mentions storing the specifications in memory, it does not specify the memory capacity needed for this task.

Original Abstract Submitted

A computing system including a processor configured to receive a stabilizer circuit specification of a stabilizer circuit that includes one or more elementary operations. The elementary operations are each selected from the group consisting of an allocation of one or more qubits in a stabilizer state, an allocation of one or more random classical bits, a Clifford unitary, a Pauli unitary conditional on respective parities of measurement outcomes and/or respective parities of the random classical bits, a joint multi-qubit Pauli measurement, and a destructive one-qubit Pauli measurement. The processor is further configured to compute a standardized stabilizer instrument specification of a stabilizer instrument based at least in part on the stabilizer circuit specification. The standardized stabilizer instrument specification includes an input Clifford unitary, an output Clifford unitary, and a plurality of bit matrices. The processor is further configured to store the standardized stabilizer instrument specification in memory.