Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240160362). MEMORY DEVICES AND METHODS FOR MANAGING USE HISTORY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Changhwi Park of Suwon-si (KR)

Junyoung Ko of Suwon-si (KR)

Jungmin Bak of Suwon-si (KR)

MEMORY DEVICES AND METHODS FOR MANAGING USE HISTORY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240160362 titled 'MEMORY DEVICES AND METHODS FOR MANAGING USE HISTORY

Simplified Explanation

The memory device described in the patent application includes a time counter, a use history circuit, and a command decoder. The time counter outputs a count signal based on a predetermined time interval, the use history circuit writes an operating time value and a corresponding validation value based on the count signal, and the command decoder receives instructions from a memory controller based on the operating time value and validation value.

  • Time counter outputs count signal based on predetermined time interval
  • Use history circuit writes operating time value and validation value based on count signal
  • Command decoder receives instructions from memory controller based on operating time value and validation value

Potential Applications

The technology described in the patent application could be applied in various industries such as:

  • Data storage
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the following issues:

  • Efficient memory management
  • Enhanced data security
  • Improved system performance


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Optimized memory usage
  • Increased data reliability
  • Enhanced system functionality

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be commercially applied in:

  • Memory devices
  • Embedded systems
  • IoT devices

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art related to this technology is the use of time counters in memory devices for data management and security purposes.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact power consumption in memory devices?

This article does not delve into the potential effects of this technology on power consumption in memory devices. It would be interesting to explore whether the implementation of the time counter, use history circuit, and command decoder has any impact on the energy efficiency of the memory device.

Are there any compatibility issues with existing memory controllers?

The article does not address whether the technology described may face compatibility issues with current memory controllers. It would be important to investigate whether the command decoder can seamlessly integrate with various memory controllers available in the market.

Original Abstract Submitted

a memory device may include a time counter which is configured to output a count signal according to a predetermined time interval; a use history circuit which is configured to write an operating time value based on the count signal and generate and write a validation value corresponding to the operating time value; and a command decoder which is configured to receive an instruction from a memory controller. the instruction may be according to an operation mode that is determined based on the operating time value and the validation value.