Apple inc. (20240105195). Method and System for Deferring Loudness Adjustments of Audio Components simplified abstract

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Method and System for Deferring Loudness Adjustments of Audio Components

Organization Name

apple inc.


Frank Baumgarte of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Dipanjan Sen of Dublin CA (US)

Method and System for Deferring Loudness Adjustments of Audio Components - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240105195 titled 'Method and System for Deferring Loudness Adjustments of Audio Components

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for adjusting the loudness of audio components in an audio scene by applying gains based on target loudness levels.

  • Receiving a bitstream containing signals of audio components, target loudness levels, and source loudness levels determined by an encoder.
  • Determining gains for each audio component based on source and target loudness levels.
  • Producing gain-adjusted signals by applying the determined gains to the audio components.
  • Combining the gain-adjusted signals to create the audio scene.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in audio processing software, broadcasting systems, and virtual reality environments where precise control over audio levels is required.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of inconsistent loudness levels in audio scenes, ensuring a more balanced and immersive listening experience for users.


The benefits of this technology include improved audio quality, better user experience, and more accurate representation of audio scenes as intended by content creators.

Potential Commercial Applications

  • "Audio Loudness Adjustment Technology for Broadcasting Systems": This title could attract potential customers looking to enhance the audio quality of their broadcasting systems.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art in this field is the use of audio normalization techniques in audio processing software to adjust loudness levels of audio signals.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology handle dynamic changes in audio levels within a scene?

The patent application does not specify how the method adapts to dynamic changes in audio levels within a scene. This could be a crucial aspect to consider for real-world applications where audio levels may vary significantly.

What is the computational complexity of the method described in the patent application?

The patent application does not provide information on the computational complexity of the method. Understanding the computational requirements of the technology could be important for assessing its feasibility for different applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method that includes receiving a bitstream that includes: a first signal of a first audio component associated with an audio scene, a first target loudness, and a first source loudness determined by an encoder side based on the first signal, and a second signal of a second audio component associated with the scene, a second target loudness, and a second source loudness determined by the encoder side based on the second signal; determining a first gain based on the first source and target loudness; determining a second gain based on the second source and target loudness; producing a first gain-adjusted signal by applying the first gain to the first signal; producing a second gain-adjusted signal by applying the second gain to the second signal; and producing the scene that includes the first and second audio components by combining the gain-adjusted audio signals into a group of signals.