Unknown Organization (20240380789). Quantum Based Cyber Security System To Prevent Insider Attacks simplified abstract
Quantum Based Cyber Security System To Prevent Insider Attacks
Organization Name
Timothy William Edgin of Houston TX (US)
Quantum Based Cyber Security System To Prevent Insider Attacks - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240380789 titled 'Quantum Based Cyber Security System To Prevent Insider Attacks
Simplified Explanation:
The cyber security system described in the patent application is designed to prevent insider attacks by assigning a security importance number to each relevant object that a user wants to protect. When a change is requested for a protected object, a security importance number threshold check is probabilistically made based on generated administrative profiles, allowing time for manual intervention before the change is implemented.
Key Features and Innovation:
- Assigning security importance numbers to relevant objects for protection
- Probabilistic threshold check based on administrative profiles
- Manual intervention window before implementing changes
Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various industries where insider attacks pose a threat, such as finance, healthcare, and government sectors.
Problems Solved: This technology addresses the issue of insider attacks by providing a proactive security measure to prevent unauthorized changes to protected objects.
- Enhanced security against insider threats
- Efficient and effective protection of sensitive information
- Minimization of potential damages from unauthorized changes
Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized by companies and organizations that handle sensitive data to safeguard against insider attacks, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
Prior Art: Readers can explore existing patents and research related to insider threat prevention systems, security importance number assignment, and probabilistic security checks.
Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest advancements in insider threat prevention systems, cybersecurity protocols, and data protection technologies to enhance the effectiveness of the described technology.
Questions about Insider Threat Prevention Technology: 1. How does the security importance number assignment help prevent insider attacks? 2. What are the key benefits of using probabilistic threshold checks in cybersecurity systems?
Original Abstract Submitted
a cyber security system mainly designed to prevent insider attacks. a security importance number is probabilistically assigned to each relevant object that the user wishes to protect. then whenever a change is requested of a particular protected object, a security importance number threshold check is probabilistically made based on n+1 generated administrative profiles which then have a time limit to manually interfere with the predicted outcome before a change is implemented.