18595469. Content addressable memory apparatus, content addressable memory circuit and memory self-test method thereof simplified abstract (REALTEK SEMICONDUCTOR CORP.)
Content addressable memory apparatus, content addressable memory circuit and memory self-test method thereof
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Content addressable memory apparatus, content addressable memory circuit and memory self-test method thereof - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18595469 titled 'Content addressable memory apparatus, content addressable memory circuit and memory self-test method thereof
The present disclosure describes a content addressable memory apparatus that includes a self-test control circuit, an external test pattern generation circuit, a memory circuit, an internal test pattern generation circuit, and an internal comparison circuit.
- The self-test control circuit generates self-test driving signals.
- The external test pattern generation circuit generates search data and an address signal.
- The memory circuit performs search operations based on the search data and address signal to generate actual match signals.
- The internal test pattern generation circuit generates expected match signals based on the self-test driving signals.
- The internal comparison circuit compares the actual match signals with the expected match signals to generate match comparison results.
Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in computer systems for efficient data retrieval. - It can be applied in networking devices for fast packet processing.
Problems Solved: - Provides a reliable self-test mechanism for content addressable memory circuits. - Ensures accurate matching operations in memory circuits.
Benefits: - Improved reliability and accuracy in content addressable memory operations. - Simplified testing process for memory circuits.
Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Content Addressable Memory Technology for Enhanced Data Processing This technology can be utilized in data centers, network switches, and telecommunications equipment for optimized data handling and processing, leading to improved performance and efficiency in various industries.
Questions about Content Addressable Memory Technology: 1. How does the self-test control circuit contribute to the reliability of the memory apparatus? - The self-test control circuit generates self-test driving signals that enable the memory circuit to perform self-testing operations, ensuring the reliability of the system.
2. What are the key advantages of using content addressable memory technology in networking devices? - Content addressable memory technology in networking devices allows for quick and efficient data retrieval and processing, enhancing the overall performance of the network infrastructure.
Original Abstract Submitted
The present disclosure discloses a content addressable memory apparatus. A self-test control circuit generates self-test driving signals and control an external test pattern generation circuit generates search data and an address signal. A content addressable memory circuit includes a memory circuit, an internal test pattern generation circuit and an internal comparison circuit. The memory circuit receives the search data and the address signal from the external test pattern generation circuit to perform search operation to generate actual match signals corresponding to the match lines. The internal test pattern generation circuit receives the self-test driving signals from the self-test control circuit to generate expected match signals. The internal comparison circuit receives and compares the actual match signals and the expected match signals to generate match comparison results such that the self-test control circuit receives the match comparison results and performs verification accordingly.