18419173. SELECTIVE GARBAGE COLLECTION simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Antonio Mauro of Giugliano in Campania (NA) (IT)

Luigi Costanzo of Trentola Ducenta (CE) (IT)

Nicola Colella of Capodrise (CE) (IT)

SELECTIVE GARBAGE COLLECTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18419173 titled 'SELECTIVE GARBAGE COLLECTION

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for selective garbage collection in memory systems.

  • The host system monitors battery levels or power parameters to determine when garbage collection is needed.
  • A flag is set by the host system to indicate whether garbage collection is permitted.
  • The memory system checks the flag value before performing a garbage collection procedure.
  • This selective garbage collection process helps optimize memory system performance and efficiency.
  • By allowing garbage collection only when necessary, the system can improve overall operation and extend the lifespan of memory devices.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be applied in various electronic devices with memory systems, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. - It can also be used in IoT devices, wearables, and other embedded systems to manage memory efficiently.

Problems Solved: - Efficient management of memory resources. - Optimization of memory system performance. - Prolonging the lifespan of memory devices.

Benefits: - Improved overall system performance. - Extended lifespan of memory devices. - Enhanced efficiency in memory management.

Commercial Applications: Selective garbage collection technology can be valuable for manufacturers of electronic devices looking to enhance performance and durability of their products. It can also benefit companies developing IoT solutions and embedded systems by optimizing memory usage and prolonging device lifespan.

Questions about Selective Garbage Collection: 1. How does selective garbage collection help improve memory system performance? Selective garbage collection ensures that the procedure is only performed when necessary, reducing unnecessary operations and optimizing memory usage.

2. What impact does selective garbage collection have on the lifespan of memory devices? By minimizing the frequency of garbage collection procedures, selective garbage collection can help extend the lifespan of memory devices by reducing wear and tear on the memory system.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, systems, and devices for selective garbage collection are described. A host system may determine that a battery level is below a threshold or determine whether a power parameter of a memory system that includes a memory device satisfies a criterion. The host system may set a value of a flag. The memory system may perform an access operation and identify the value of the flag. The memory system may determine whether performing a garbage collection procedure is permitted based on identifying the value of the flag.