Kabushiki kaisha toshiba (20240312875). SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE simplified abstract
- 1.1 Organization Name
- 1.2 Inventor(s)
- 1.3 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract
- 1.4 Simplified Explanation
- 1.5 Key Features and Innovation
- 1.6 Potential Applications
- 1.7 Problems Solved
- 1.8 Benefits
- 1.9 Commercial Applications
- 1.10 Questions about the Technology
- 1.11 Original Abstract Submitted
Organization Name
Rie Arima of Komatsu Ishikawa (JP)
Kazuki Matsuo of Nonoichi Ishikawa (JP)
Masaru Izumisawa of Kanazawa Ishikawa (JP)
SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240312875 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE
Simplified Explanation
The semiconductor device described in the patent application consists of a metal base, a terminal, a semiconductor chip with electrodes, a connection member, and a conductive member.
- The device has a metal base and a terminal that are connected to a semiconductor chip.
- The semiconductor chip has electrodes on both the front and back surfaces.
- A connection member links the front-surface-side electrode of the chip to the terminal.
- A conductive member covers part of the front-surface-side electrode that is not connected to the connection member.
Key Features and Innovation
- Integration of a metal base, terminal, semiconductor chip, connection member, and conductive member in a semiconductor device.
- Efficient connection between the semiconductor chip and external components.
- Enhanced electrical conductivity and reliability of the device.
Potential Applications
The technology can be applied in various semiconductor devices such as integrated circuits, power electronics, and sensors.
Problems Solved
- Improved electrical connections in semiconductor devices.
- Enhanced performance and reliability of electronic components.
- Increased efficiency and reliability of semiconductor devices.
- Better electrical conductivity and signal transmission.
- Potential for miniaturization and cost reduction in electronic systems.
Commercial Applications
- The technology can be utilized in the manufacturing of consumer electronics, automotive electronics, and industrial equipment.
- It has the potential to improve the performance and longevity of electronic devices in various industries.
Questions about the Technology
What are the potential commercial applications of this semiconductor device technology?
The technology can be applied in various industries such as consumer electronics, automotive electronics, and industrial equipment for improved performance and reliability.
How does the integration of a metal base and terminal enhance the functionality of the semiconductor device?
The metal base and terminal provide a stable foundation for the semiconductor chip, ensuring efficient electrical connections and improved overall performance.
Original Abstract Submitted
according to one embodiment, a semiconductor device includes a metal base, a terminal separated from the metal base, a semiconductor chip including a back-surface-side electrode connected to the metal base and a front-surface-side electrode provided on a front surface opposite to the back-surface-side electrode, a connection member including a first end portion connected to the front-surface-side electrode of the semiconductor chip and a second end portion connected to the terminal, and a conductive member provided on the front-surface-side electrode of the semiconductor chip and covering a region of the front-surface-side electrode that is not connected to the first end portion of the connection member.