Qualcomm incorporated (20240291628). CHANNEL SWITCH ANNOUNCEMENT simplified abstract
- 1.1 Organization Name
- 1.2 Inventor(s)
- 1.3 CHANNEL SWITCH ANNOUNCEMENT - A simplified explanation of the abstract
- 1.4 Simplified Explanation
- 1.5 Key Features and Innovation
- 1.6 Potential Applications
- 1.7 Problems Solved
- 1.8 Benefits
- 1.9 Commercial Applications
- 1.10 Prior Art
- 1.11 Frequently Updated Research
- 1.12 Questions about Wireless Communication Channel Switching
- 1.13 Original Abstract Submitted
Organization Name
Sudhanshu Singh of Hyderabad (IN)
Sriman Miryala of Hyderabad (IN)
Santhi Swaroop Golti of Hyderabad (IN)
CHANNEL SWITCH ANNOUNCEMENT - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240291628 titled 'CHANNEL SWITCH ANNOUNCEMENT
Simplified Explanation
The patent application relates to wireless communication devices transmitting channel switch announcements to indicate a time for a channel switch, which occurs within a short interval from the announcement.
- Wireless communication device transmits channel switch announcement
- Time for channel switch is close to the announcement time
- Device switches channels based on the announcement
Key Features and Innovation
- Wireless communication device transmitting channel switch announcements
- Channel switch occurring within a short interval from the announcement
- Efficient channel switching process for wireless communication devices
Potential Applications
This technology can be applied in various wireless communication systems where quick channel switching is required, such as in mobile networks, IoT devices, and wireless sensor networks.
Problems Solved
- Efficient channel switching process
- Minimizing disruption during channel switching
- Enhancing overall communication performance
- Improved communication efficiency
- Reduced disruption during channel switching
- Enhanced user experience in wireless communication
Commercial Applications
Potential commercial applications include mobile network providers, IoT device manufacturers, and companies utilizing wireless sensor networks for data transmission. This technology can improve the reliability and performance of wireless communication systems.
Prior Art
Readers can explore prior art related to quick channel switching in wireless communication systems, such as patents or research papers on efficient channel switching techniques.
Frequently Updated Research
Stay updated on the latest research in wireless communication systems, particularly in the area of channel switching efficiency and performance optimization.
Questions about Wireless Communication Channel Switching
How does quick channel switching benefit wireless communication devices?
Quick channel switching benefits wireless communication devices by reducing disruption and improving overall communication efficiency.
What are the potential challenges in implementing quick channel switching in wireless communication systems?
Potential challenges in implementing quick channel switching include ensuring seamless transition between channels and minimizing any impact on ongoing communication processes.
Original Abstract Submitted
various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. in some aspects, a wireless communication device may transmit a channel switch announcement indicating a time by which a channel switch is to occur, wherein the time for the channel switch is less than a beacon interval from the time by which the channel switch announcement is transmitted. the wireless communication device may perform the channel switch in accordance with the channel switch announcement. numerous other aspects are described.