CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION patent applications published on November 30th, 2023

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Summary of the patent applications from CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION on November 30th, 2023

Recently, CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION has filed several patents related to medical imaging technologies. These patents aim to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of medical imaging procedures.

One patent focuses on a method for generating a three-dimensional (3D) image of a subject's blood vessels using computed tomography (CT) imaging. This technique involves acquiring multiple CT images at different time points and using them to create a 3D representation of the blood vessels. The patent also includes a method for automatically detecting and analyzing abnormalities in the blood vessels.

Another patent addresses the issue of motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It proposes a method for reducing motion artifacts by acquiring multiple MRI images and combining them to create a motion-corrected image. This technique can improve the quality and diagnostic accuracy of MRI scans, especially in cases where the patient's motion is unavoidable.

Furthermore, CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION has filed a patent related to ultrasound imaging. This patent describes a method for automatically adjusting the ultrasound beam steering angle based on the patient's anatomy. By dynamically adapting the beam steering, this technology aims to optimize the ultrasound image quality and enhance the visualization of anatomical structures.

Notable applications:

  • A method for generating a 3D image of blood vessels using CT imaging.
  • A technique for reducing motion artifacts in MRI scans.
  • An automated method for adjusting ultrasound beam steering angle based on patient anatomy.

Overall, CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION's recent patents demonstrate their commitment to advancing medical imaging technologies and improving patient care. These innovations have the potential to enhance the accuracy of diagnoses, increase efficiency in imaging procedures, and ultimately contribute to better healthcare outcomes.

Patent applications for CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION on November 30th, 2023