US Patent Application 18450126. Map Uncertainty and Observation Modeling simplified abstract

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Map Uncertainty and Observation Modeling

Organization Name



Richard William Bukowski of Palo Alto CA (US)

Map Uncertainty and Observation Modeling - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18450126 titled 'Map Uncertainty and Observation Modeling

Simplified Explanation

- This patent application describes systems and methods for providing measures of uncertainty for map features in a vehicle map service. - The vehicle map service includes a vehicle map model that provides map data for a specific geographic area. - The vehicle map model has an entity schema that represents various entities associated with the vehicle map model. - The vehicle map service also includes an uncertainty model that represents uncertainties associated with the entities. - The uncertainty model has an uncertainty schema that is separate from the entity schema. - Uncertainties in the uncertainty schema can point to one or more entities in the entity schema.

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems and methods are described that provide measures of uncertainty for map features provided in association with a vehicle map service. A vehicle map service may include a vehicle map model that is configured to provide map data for a geographic area in association with a vehicle map service. The vehicle map model can have an entity schema that includes a first address space configured to represent a plurality of entities associated with the vehicle map model. The vehicle may service may include an uncertainty model that is configured to represent a plurality of uncertainties associated with the plurality of entities. The uncertainty model can have an uncertainty schema that includes a second address space that is separate from the first address space. Uncertainties in the second address space can point to one or more entities in the first address space.