US Patent Application 18356636. Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices simplified abstract

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Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices

Organization Name

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Tzu-Ang Chao of Hsinchu (TW)

Gregory Michael Pitner of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Tse-An Chen of Taoyuan City (TW)

Lain-Jong Li of Hsinchu (TW)

Yu Chao Lin of Hsinchu (TW)

Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18356636 titled 'Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices

Simplified Explanation

- The patent application describes a semiconductor device and a method of manufacturing it using carbon nanotubes. - The method involves forming a stack of nanotubes and then using a non-destructive removal process to reduce the thickness of the stack. - The reduced stack of nanotubes can be used to create a device, such as a transistor. - The innovation lies in the use of carbon nanotubes and the non-destructive removal process to manufacture the semiconductor device. - The method offers potential advantages in terms of performance and efficiency compared to traditional semiconductor manufacturing techniques.

Original Abstract Submitted

A semiconductor device and method of manufacturing using carbon nanotubes are provided. In embodiments a stack of nanotubes are formed and then a non-destructive removal process is utilized to reduce the thickness of the stack of nanotubes. A device such as a transistor may then be formed from the reduced stack of nanotubes.