US Patent Application 18246707. MECHANISM FOR DYNAMIC AUTHORIZATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Nokia Technologies Oy


Iris Adam of Munich (DE)

Jing Ping of Chengdu (CN)

Konstantinos Samdanis of Munich (DE)

Chaitanya Aggarwal of Munich (DE)

Anja Jerichow of Grafing bei München (DE)

MECHANISM FOR DYNAMIC AUTHORIZATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18246707 titled 'MECHANISM FOR DYNAMIC AUTHORIZATION

Simplified Explanation

- The patent application is for a solution that enables dynamic access control to data. - The solution involves a first device that receives data registration from a data source. - The first device checks the data types produced by the data source and adds or updates policies for the data based on its properties. - The first device also acts as an access control decision point, determining consumers' access rights based on centrally managed policies. - Authorization for data access is granted or denied based on local attributes and policies. - The solution enables dynamic, context-aware, and risk-intelligent access control to different types of data from various data sources.

Original Abstract Submitted

Example embodiments of the present disclosure relate to dynamic authorization. According to embodiments of the present disclosure, a solution for dynamic access control to data is proposed. On receiving data registration from a data source, a first device checks the data types to be produced by the data source and adds policies for the data or updates existing policies for the data according to its property. It also serves as access control decision point to determine consumers' access rights based on centrally managed policies. Authorization for data access is granted/denied according to local attributes/policies. In this way, it achieves a dynamic, context-aware and risk-intelligent access control to different kind of data from various data sources (i.e., service producers).