US Patent Application 18231241. NETWORK STORAGE GATEWAY simplified abstract

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[[Category:Yang Seok Ki of Palo Alto CA (US)]]

[[Category:Yangwook Kang of San Jose CA (US)]]

NETWORK STORAGE GATEWAY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18231241 titled 'NETWORK STORAGE GATEWAY

Simplified Explanation

- The patent application is about a Solid State Drive (SSD). - The SSD has ports to receive requests from a host and send requests to a second storage device. - It includes flash storage for data. - An SSD controller processes the requests from the host and generates requests for the second storage device. - The SSD can also act as a cache for the second storage device.

Original Abstract Submitted

A Solid State Drive (SSD) is disclosed. The SSD may include ports to receive requests from a host and to send requests to a second storage device. The SSD may include flash storage for data. An SSD controller may process the requests received from the host and generate the requests sent to the second storage device. The SSD may act as a cache for the second storage device.