US Patent Application 18229814. CONFIGURABLE CACHE FOR COHERENT SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Kai Chirca of Dallas TX (US)

Matthew David Pierson of Frisco TX (US)

CONFIGURABLE CACHE FOR COHERENT SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18229814 titled 'CONFIGURABLE CACHE FOR COHERENT SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a device with a memory bank that has data portions organized into two groups called "first way group" and "second way group".

  • The first way group includes data portions from two different ways.
  • The memory bank also includes data portions from the second way group.

The device includes a configuration register and a controller that can allocate the first way and the second way to either an addressable memory space or a data cache.

  • The allocation is based on settings in the configuration register.
  • The controller can allocate the first way and the second way individually, meaning they can be assigned to different memory spaces or caches.
  • This allocation process allows for efficient management of memory resources based on the specific needs of the device.

Original Abstract Submitted

A device includes a memory bank. The memory bank includes data portions of a first way group. The data portions of the first way group include a data portion of a first way of the first way group and a data portion of a second way of the first way group. The memory bank further includes data portions of a second way group. The device further includes a configuration register and a controller configured to individually allocate, based on one or more settings in the configuration register, the first way and the second way to one of an addressable memory space and a data cache.