US Patent Application 18216946. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Dabin Lee of Seoul (KR)

Mikyung Kim of Seoul (KR)

Honghae Do of Seoul (KR)

Weonyoung Sho of Seoul (KR)

Sungmo Im of Seoul (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18216946 Titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE'

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a display device that consists of a display panel and a corrugated panel. The corrugated panel is positioned behind the display panel and is made up of a corrugated core sandwiched between a front skin and a rear skin.

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device according to the present embodiment includes a display panel; and a corrugated panel facing a rear surface of the display panel and having a corrugated core disposed between a front skin and a rear skin.