US Patent Application 18216867. Circuit Systems And Methods For Transmitting Signals Between Devices simplified abstract

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Circuit Systems And Methods For Transmitting Signals Between Devices

Organization Name

Intel Corporation


Md Altaf Hossain of Portland OR (US)

Lai Guan Tang of Penang (MY)

Mahesh Kumashikar of Bangalore (IN)

Ankireddy Nalamalpu of Portland OR (US)

Circuit Systems And Methods For Transmitting Signals Between Devices - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18216867 Titled 'Circuit Systems And Methods For Transmitting Signals Between Devices'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes a circuit system that consists of a support device with two conductors. It also includes three integrated circuits that are connected to the support device. One of the integrated circuits has a peripheral region which has a third conductor that connects the first and second conductors. The circuit system is designed to transmit a signal from the first integrated circuit through the first conductor, the third conductor, and the second conductor to the third integrated circuit. The first and third integrated circuits are positioned diagonally in the circuit system.

Original Abstract Submitted

A circuit system includes a support device that has first and second conductors. The circuit system also includes first, second, and third integrated circuits that are coupled to the support device. The second integrated circuit includes a peripheral region. The peripheral region includes a third conductor coupled between the first and the second conductors. The circuit system is configured to transmit a signal from the first integrated circuit through the first conductor, the third conductor, and the second conductor to the third integrated circuit. The first and the third integrated circuits are positioned diagonally in the circuit system