US Patent Application 17825824. DATA STORAGE DEVICE WITH MULTI-COMMANDS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Western Digital Technologies, Inc.


Dinesh Kumar Agarwal of Bangalore (IN)

Vijay Sivasankaran of Dublin CA (US)

Mikhail Palityka of Oakville (CA)

DATA STORAGE DEVICE WITH MULTI-COMMANDS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17825824 titled 'DATA STORAGE DEVICE WITH MULTI-COMMANDS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application discusses a method to improve the performance of a data storage device by reducing hardware and firmware overheads at the flash interface module (FIM).

  • Constant fixed commands given to memory dies in a data storage device can cause performance issues due to the overheads associated with them.
  • To avoid this impact, multiple fixed commands can be combined into individual multi-commands and provided to the memory dies.
  • This use of multi-commands reduces the overheads at the FIM, improving the performance of the data storage device.
  • By decreasing the saturation of the FIM, the overall performance of the data storage device is enhanced.

Original Abstract Submitted

Providing constant fixed commands to memory dies within a data storage device may result in hardware and firmware overheads impacting the performance at a flash interface module (FIM) because the FIM has to handle both the constant fixed commands and the overheads associated with the constant fixed commands. To avoid the impact on performance at the FIM, multiple fixed commands may be combined into individual multi-commands that may be provided to the memory dies. The use of multi-commands reduces hardware and firmware overheads at the FIM relative to the constant fixed commands, which improves performance of the data storage device because the saturation of the FIM is decreased.