STORAGE HOST RETIREMENT AND ROLLBACK: abstract simplified (17714211)

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  • This abstract for appeared for patent application number 17714211 Titled 'STORAGE HOST RETIREMENT AND ROLLBACK'

Simplified Explanation

Rollback snapshots are created by a storage system when host servers are no longer in use. These snapshots contain information about the storage objects and masking views associated with the retired servers. By using these rollback snapshots, it is possible to recover the retired servers by reconstructing the masking views and recreating the storage objects. Essentially, the rollback snapshots serve as a backup that allows for the restoration of retired host servers.

Original Abstract Submitted

Rollback snapshots are created by a storage system when host servers are retired. The rollback snapshots include a masking views and information about the storage objects associated with the host servers. Retired host servers can be recovered by using the rollback snapshots to reconstruct masking views and recreate storage objects.