Intel corporation (20240111498). Apparatus, Device, Method and Computer Program for Generating Code using an LLM simplified abstract

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Apparatus, Device, Method and Computer Program for Generating Code using an LLM

Organization Name

intel corporation


Robert Vaughn of Portland OR (US)

Apparatus, Device, Method and Computer Program for Generating Code using an LLM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240111498 titled 'Apparatus, Device, Method and Computer Program for Generating Code using an LLM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes an apparatus, device, method, and computer program for generating code for implementing an additional component in a modular application. The system obtains information on the existing application architecture, prompts the user for the desired functionality of the new component, inputs this information into a large language model (LLM), receives code output from the LLM, and provides the code for implementing the additional component based on the LLM output.

  • The system obtains information on the existing application architecture, including formal descriptions of functionality and usage of components.
  • The user is prompted for the desired functionality of the new component.
  • The system inputs the existing architecture information and user prompt into a large language model.
  • The LLM generates a portion of the code for implementing the additional component.
  • The system provides the generated code for the new component.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in software development, specifically in generating code for new components in modular applications.

Problems Solved

This technology streamlines the process of developing new components for modular applications by automating the code generation based on existing architecture and user input.


- Faster development of new components - Improved accuracy in code generation - Enhanced efficiency in software development processes

Potential Commercial Applications

Automated code generation tools based on this technology could be used by software development companies to speed up their development processes and improve productivity.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be automated code generation tools that are based on predefined templates rather than large language models.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system ensure the generated code integrates seamlessly with the existing application architecture?

The system could include a validation step where the generated code is checked against the existing architecture to ensure compatibility and seamless integration.

What measures are in place to handle potential errors or inaccuracies in the code generated by the LLM?

The system could implement error-checking mechanisms and provide options for manual intervention in case of inaccuracies or errors in the generated code.

Original Abstract Submitted

examples relate to an apparatus, device, method and computer program for generating code. the apparatus is to obtain information on an existing application architecture of a modular application, the information on the existing application architecture comprising, for components of the existing architecture, a formal description of the functionality and usage of the component of the existing architecture, obtain a prompt of a user for generating code for implementing an additional component for the modular application, the prompt comprising a textual description of a desired functionality of the additional component, provide the information on the existing application architecture and the prompt as input for a large language model (llm), obtain an output of the llm, the output comprising a portion of the code for implementing the additional component, and provide the code for implementing the additional component based on the output of the llm.