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  • This abstract for appeared for patent application number 18020046 Titled 'COEXISTENCE OF PTRS WITH NR REFERENCE SIGNALS'

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a method for improving the quality of a wireless signal received by a wireless device. The method involves receiving a wireless signal that includes a reference signal on some of the subcarriers. The device then calculates a filter to reduce interference between different subcarriers based on the reference signal and applies this filter to the received signal to improve its quality.

Original Abstract Submitted

According to some embodiments, a method performed by a wireless device comprises receiving a wireless signal R over all subcarriers allocated to the wireless device. The signal R comprises a phase tracking reference signal (PT-RS) on a subset of subcarriers allocated to the wireless device. The method further comprises computing a de-inter-carrier interference (ICI) filter based on a cross correlation of the PT-RS and one or more additional subcarriers and applying the de-ICI filter to the received signal R to generate a de-ICI filtered signal.