18534337. ULTRASONIC MICROPHONE AND ULTRASONIC ACOUSTIC RADIO simplified abstract (The Regents of the University of California)

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Organization Name

The Regents of the University of California


Qin Zhou of Fremont CA (US)

Alexander K. Zettl of Kensington CA (US)

ULTRASONIC MICROPHONE AND ULTRASONIC ACOUSTIC RADIO - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18534337 titled 'ULTRASONIC MICROPHONE AND ULTRASONIC ACOUSTIC RADIO

Simplified Explanation

The patent application is related to an ultrasonic microphone and an ultrasonic acoustic radio. The system includes a transmitter and a receiver with a membrane made of a two-dimensional material to receive sound waves in the ultrasonic frequency range.

  • The system includes a transmitter and a receiver.
  • The receiver has a membrane made of a two-dimensional material.
  • The membrane can be a single layer or multiple layers.
  • The receiver operates in the ultrasonic frequency range to receive sound waves.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in:

  • Ultrasonic communication systems
  • Underwater communication devices
  • Medical imaging equipment

Problems Solved

  • Improved sensitivity to ultrasonic frequencies
  • Enhanced sound wave reception capabilities
  • Increased efficiency in capturing and transmitting sound waves


  • Higher quality sound reception
  • Improved communication in noisy environments
  • Enhanced performance in medical imaging applications

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimized for:

  • Underwater communication devices for divers
  • Medical imaging equipment for hospitals
  • Ultrasonic sensors for industrial applications

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of traditional microphones and receivers for capturing sound waves, which may not be as efficient in the ultrasonic frequency range.

Unanswered Questions

How does the membrane made of a two-dimensional material impact the performance of the receiver?

The membrane's unique material composition may affect the sensitivity and accuracy of sound wave reception in the ultrasonic frequency range.

What specific frequency range does the system operate in, and how does this impact its usability in different applications?

Understanding the exact frequency range of the system can help determine its compatibility with various communication and imaging technologies.

Original Abstract Submitted

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatus related to an ultrasonic microphone and an ultrasonic acoustic radio. In one aspect a system includes a transmitter and a receiver. The receiver comprises a membrane. The membrane comprises a single layer or multiple layers of a two-dimensional material. The receiver is operable to receive sound waves in a frequency range, with the frequency range being the ultrasonic frequency range.